" I'll be there in 5, just gotta BREASE first "
*everyone in a couple of years
Over the years I've been asked a lot if I have breathing music that fits different needs.
I came up with a customizable concept of short "breathing blocks" that everyone could arrange themselves. The BREASE Album has 55 songs in different categories that all follow the same pattern and they play perfectly in every order.
The video on top is made with 3 tracks. "Peace 3i6o", "Peace 4i8o" and "Peace 5i10o". The numbers are seconds, "i" means in, "o" means out. The effect of the video is that you gradually slow your breathing pace from 3 seconds in and 6 seconds out to 5 seconds in and 10 seconds out, in less than 3 minutes. It's made with the intent of "I'm having something important in 3 minutes and need to get my focus right".
BREASE = Breathe To Ease
try saying brease as you exhale
The BREASE Album has these parts:
Peace - Easy to follow piano chords from 3i6o to 7i14o (1:2 ratio)
Breath - Just the breathing pattern from 3i6o to 10i20o (1:2 ratio)
Breath - Just the breathing pattern from 3i3o to 9i9o (1:1 ratio)
Ease - Piano melody from 4i80 to 8i16o (1:2 ratio)
Bell - One to four bells per minute
Fluid - Ambient music to let your head float around for a little while without any breathing pattern.
Golden Ratio - 4, 5 or 6 cycles per minute (1:1618 ratio)
Music - two instrumental songs with a breathing pattern of 6i6o and 7i7o (1:1 ratio)
Coherent - 4 of the same but still different piano parts with 6i6o (1:1 ratio)
Ambience - calming sounds of nature.
478 - 4 seconds in, 7 seconds hold and 8 seconds out.
Epic - In the wardrobe, before entering the arena in the Olympics; play this - breathe heavy - Go conquer!
Use your preferred Streaming service (Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal etc) search for BREASE by Breathing Cycels and start creating your own playlists.
If you use Spotify, you can use or copy and customize one of these
If you make your own playlist and want to share it, please add BREASE to the playlist name and make it public so others can find and BREASE to it as well. If you submit it to me, I'll add it to a user playlist tab on this site.
If you develop apps or VR and think this is a good idea, please get in touch!